Thursday, November 7, 2019


Ambuvachi, a celebration of the Mother Goddess Devi, is a rite observed in most of north and central India, but most elaborately in Bengal. ...

Amarnath Yatra

Amarnath is a shrine to the Hindu deity Shiva, located in a cave in the Indian state of Kashmir on the side of a mountain roughly 7,500 feet...

Amalaka Ekadashi

Amalaka Ekadashi is the Vaishnava Hindu fast on the 11th day of the waxing moon in the lunar month of Phaguna. On this occasion, the celebr...

Alphonse de Ligouri, Saint’s Day of St. (August 1)

Alphonse de Ligouri (1696–1787) was the founder of the Redemptorist order and one of the most influential moral theologians in Roman Catholi...

Alphabet Day (May 24)

The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates the Saint’s Day of Sts. Cyril and Methodius on May 11 of the old Julian calendar, which is May 24 on ...

All Souls Day (November 2)

All Souls Day is a primarily Western Christian day of remembrance of all people who have died in the faith. It is primarily observed by Roma...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

All Saints Day (November 1)

In 835, Pope Gregory IV (r. 827–844) set November 1 as a day to honor all the saints (at a time where most people acknowledged as saints wer...